INF15975 (T01 and T02) - Searching and Sorting Techniques
INF16169 (T01 and T02) - Competitive Programming
PINF6073 - Competitive Programming (grad students)
INF15975 (T01 and T02) - Searching and Sorting Techniques
INF15981 (T01 and T02) - Introduction to Data Science
PINF6073 and PINF7073 - Introduction to Data Science (grad students)
INF15975 (T01 and T02) - Searching and Sorting Techniques
INF16169 (T01 and T02) - Competitive Programming
INF15975 (T01 and T02) - Searching and Sorting Techniques
INF15981 (T01 and T02) - Introduction to Data Science
PINF6073 and PINF7073 - Introduction to Data Science (grad students)
INF09293 (T01 and T02) - Data Structures II
INF09376 (T01), INF09378 (T01) - Competitive Programming
INF09331 (T01 and T01) - Computer Programming III
INF09378 (T02) and INF09417 (T02) - Introduction to Data Science
PINF6073 and PINF7073 - Introduction to Data Science (grad students)
INF09293 (T01 and T02) - Data Structures II
INF09376 (T01), INF09378 (T01), INF09416 (T02) - Competitive Programming
INF09293 (T01 and T02) - Data Structures II
INF09331 (T03 e T04) - Computer Programming III
INF09293 (T01 and T02) - Data Structures II
INF09376 (T01) and INF09416 (T02) - Competitive Programming
2019/2 (UFV – Federal University of Viçosa)
INF112 - Computer Programming II
Topics: pointers and references, dynamic memory allocation, asymptotic notation, recursion, sorting (bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, heap sort, quick sort, shell sort, counting sort, radix sort, and external sorting), files, object oriented programming (private and public members, methods, constructors, destructors, and operators overloading), bit manipulation, and backtracking
Programming Language: C++
INF791 - Experimental Computer Science
2019/1 (UFV – Federal University of Viçosa)
INF493/792 - Introduction to Data Mining
Topics: types of data, metrics, finding similar objects (KD-tree and similarity hash), dimensionality reduction (curse of dimensionality, PCA, and SVD), Clustering (k-means, hierarchical, spectral, combining clusterings, and clustering evaluation), classification (naive Bayes, decision tree, random forest, boosting, SVM, and classification evaluation), association rules, link analysis (Page Rank), and introduction to recommender systems
INF333 - Competitive Programming (Jointly with Prof. André and Prof. Salles)
2018/2 (UFV – Federal University of Viçosa)
INF112 - Computer Programming II
Topics: pointers and references, dynamic memory allocation, asymptotic notation, recursion, sorting (bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, heap sort, quick sort, shell sort, counting sort, radix sort, and external sorting), files, object oriented programming (private and public members, methods, constructors, destructors, and operators overloading), bit manipulation, and backtracking
Programming Language: C++
2018/1 (UFV – Federal University of Viçosa)
INF493/792 - Introduction to Data Mining
Topics: types of data, metrics, finding similar objects (KD-tree and similarity hash), dimensionality reduction (curse of dimensionality, PCA, and SVD), Clustering (k-means, hierarchical, GMM, spectral, combining clusterings, and clustering evaluation), classification (naive Bayes, decision tree, random forest, boosting, SVM, and classification evaluation), association rules, link analysis (Page Rank), and introduction to recommender systems
INF100, T2 - Introduction to Computer Programming
Topics: input and output, conditional statements, loops, arrays, matrices, and functions
Programming Language: Python
INF100, T4 - Introduction to Computer Programming
Topics: input and output, conditional statements, loops, arrays, matrices, and functions
Programming Language: Python