Academic History
2017 – PhD – Computer Science – Boston University. Advisor Mark Crovella
2012 – MSc – Computer Science – UFMG. Advisor Virgílio Almeida
2010 – BSc – Computer Science – UFES. Advisor José Gonçalves
Academic Lineage
PhD Year |   | Institution |
self-taught | Jean Le Rond d'Alembert | |
1770? | (joint) Pierre-Simon Laplace | |
self-taught | (joint) Joseph Lagrange | |
1800 | Simeon Poisson | Ecole Polytechnique |
1814 | Michel Chasles | Ecole Polytechnique |
1850 | Hubert Newton | Yale |
1885 | Eliakim Moore | Yale |
1903 | Oswald Veblen | University of Chicago |
1921 | Philip Franklin | Princeton |
1950 | Alan Perlis | MIT |
1969 | Robert Wagner | CMU |
1978 | Robert Cook | Vanderbilt University |
1982 | Thomas LeBlanc | University of Wisconsin |
1994 | Mark Crovella | University of Rochester |
2017 | Giovanni Comarela | Boston University |
Yes, I did copy the lineage from my PhD advisor's page.