Rules for simpcomp.y

Automatically generated from simpcomp.y by zyacc version 1.03

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  0: $S: program <EOF> 
  1: program: stmts 
  2: stmts: assgnStmt 
  3: stmts: assgnStmt ';' stmts 
  4: assgnStmt: ID ':=' expr 
  5: expr: expr '+' term 
  6: expr: expr '-' term 
  7: expr: term 
  8: term: term '*' factor 
  9: term: term '/' factor 
 10: term: term 'div' factor 
 11: term: term 'mod' factor 
 12: term: factor 
 13: factor: '(' expr ')' 
 14: factor: ID 
 15: factor: NUM 
 16: $Err: /* EMPTY */

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