Parser Description File for simpcomp.y

Automatically generated from simpcomp.y by zyacc version 1.03


  • Rules
  • States Without Closure Items
  • States With Closure Items
  • States Accessed by Grammar Symbols
  • Reduction Lookaheads
  • User Specified Actions
  • User Specified Tests
  • HyperLink Conventions

    Activating a hyperlink on one of the following types of symbols results in displaying:

    The states accessed by the terminal.
    The states accessed by the nonterminal.
    Rule nn
    The rule nn.
    Shift/Goto s
    The items and actions in state s.
    Reduce r
    The lookaheads for reducing by r.
    #Act a
    The user action a.
    Test set #t
    The test set t.
    Test t
    The user test t.