Trilha: Engenharia de Ontologias
Última atualização: Maio 2018.
Se o seu trabalho no NEMO envolve o desenvolvimento de uma ontologia ou o uso de ontologias em alguma área de aplicação como Engenharia de Software ou Web Semântica, é interessante entender o básico desta área, além de se aprofundar na sua área específica de atuação. Seguem abaixo algumas sugestões de leitura.
O que são ontologias?
Zamborlini, Veruska C. “Estudo de Alternativas de Mapeamento de Ontologias da Linguagem OntoUML Para OWL: Abordagens Para Representação de Informação Temporal”. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011.
→ Em particular, o Capítulo 2 dá um panorama geral sobre ontologias formais, UFO, OntoUML e conceitos relacionados, com a vantagem de estar em português;Guarino, Nicola; Oberle, Daniel; Staab, Steffen. “What Is an Ontology?”. Handbook on Ontologies, Second Edition. Springer, 2009.
Guizzardi, Giancarlo. “On ontology, ontologies, conceptualizations, modeling languages, and (meta) models.” Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications 155:18, 2007.
Guarino, Nicola. “The ontological level.” Philosophy and the cognitive sciences, 1994.
Guarino, Nicola. “The ontological level: Revisiting 30 years of knowledge representation.” Conceptual modeling: Foundations and applications. 52-67. Springer, 2009.
Ontologias de fundamentação e UFO
Guizzardi, Giancarlo. “The role of foundational ontologies for conceptual modeling and domain ontology representation.” Proc. of the 7th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems. IEEE, 2006.
Guizzardi, Giancarlo. “Ontological foundations for structural conceptual models”. PhD Thesis. University of Twente, 2005.
→ Para uma leitura mais rápida e para quem não tem uma boa base em lógica, iniciar no Cap. 3, em seguida passar pelos caps. 4 a 7 pulando as fórmulas lógicas.Guizzardi, Giancarlo; Falbo, Ricardo A.; Guizzardi, Renata S. S. “Grounding Software Domain Ontologies in the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO): The case of the ODE Software Process Ontology”. Proc. of the 11th IberoAmerican Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE). 2008.
Guizzardi, Giancarlo; Wagner, Gerd; de Almeida Falbo, Ricardo; Guizzardi, Renata S. S.; Almeida, João Paulo A. “Towards ontological foundations for the conceptual modeling of events”. Proc. of the 32nd Internacional Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER). Springer, 2013.
Guarino, Nicola; Guizzardi, Giancarlo. ““We need to discuss the Relationship”: Revisiting Relationships as Modeling Constructs”. Proc. of the 27th Internacional Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE). Springer, 2015.
Modelagem conceitual de ontologias com OntoUML
Guizzardi, Giancarlo. “Ontological Patterns, Anti-Patterns and Pattern Languages for Next-Generation Conceptual Modeling”. Proc. of the 33rd Internacional Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER). Springer, 2014.
Guizzardi, Giancarlo; Wagner, Gerd; Almeida, João Paulo A.; Guizzardi, Renata S. S. “Towards ontological foundations for conceptual modeling: The unified foundational ontology (UFO) story”. Applied Ontology 10:3-4. IOS Press, 2015.
Falbo, Ricardo A. “OntoUML – Quick Guide and Pattern Language”, 2017
Guizzardi, Giancarlo. “Ontological foundations for structural conceptual models”. PhD Thesis. University of Twente, 2005.
→ Cap. 8 – A Case Study on Ontology-Based Evaluation and Re-Design.
Modelagem conceitual multi-nível
Almeida, João Paulo A.; Carvalho, Victorio A.; Brasileiro, Freddy; Fonseca, Claudenir M.; Guizzardi, Giancarlo. “Multi-Level Conceptual Modeling: Theory and Applications”. Proc. of the 11th Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil (ONTOBRAS 2018), p. 26-41. CEUR, 2018.
Carvalho, Victorio A.; Almeida, João Paulo A. “Toward a well-founded theory for multi-level conceptual modeling”. Software & Systems Modeling 17:1. Springer, 2018.
Engenharia de ontologias
Sugestões de leitura retiradas da página da disciplina Engenharia de Ontologias do prof. Ricardo Falbo.
Hepp, Martin. “Possible ontologies: How reality constrains the development of relevant ontologies.” IEEE Internet Computing 11:1. IEEE, 2007.
Simperl, Elena; Mochol, Malgorzata; Bürger, Tobias. “Achieving Maturity: The State of Practice in Ontology Engineering in 2009”. International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, 7:1, 45-65, 2010.
Falbo, Ricardo A. “SABiO: Systematic Approach for Building Ontologies”. Proc. of the 1st Joint Workshop ONTO.COM / ODISE on Ontologies in Conceptual Modeling and Information Systems Engineering, 2014.
Suárez-Figueroa, Mari Carmen; Gómez-Pérez, Asunción; Fernández-López, Mariano. “The NeOn Methodology for Ontology Engineering”. Ontology Engineering in a Networked World. Springer, 2012.
Ruy, Fabiano B.; Falbo, Ricardo A.; Barcellos, Monalessa P.; Costa, Simone D.; Guizzardi, Giancarlo. “SEON: A software engineering ontology network.” Proc. of the 2016 European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop. Springer, 2016.
Suárez-Figueroa, Mari Carmen; Gómez-Pérez, Asunción. “Ontology Requirements Specification”. Ontology Engineering in a Networked World. Springer, 2012.
Fernández-López, Mariano; Suárez-Figueroa, Mari Carmen; Gómez-Pérez, Asunción. “Ontology Development by Reuse”. Ontology Engineering in a Networked World. Springer, 2012.
d’Aquin, Mathieu. “Modularizing Ontologies”. Ontology Engineering in a Networked World. Springer, 2012.
Obrst, Leo. “Ontological Architectures.” Theory and Applications of Ontology: Computer Applications. Springer, 2010.
Sabou, Marta; Fernandez, Miriam. “Ontology (Network) Evaluation”. Ontology Engineering in a Networked World. Springer, 2012.
d’Aquin, Mathieu; Gangemi, Aldo. “Is there Beauty in Ontologies?”. Applied Ontology 6:3. IOS Press, 2012.
Reengenharia de linguagens baseada em ontologias
Os artigos abaixo descrevem uma análise ontológica de uma linguagem de modelagem de serviços em Enterprise Architecture com subsequente sugestão de melhorias na linguagem em termos de clareza conceitual. Podem servir de exemplo para a aplicação de ontologias na reengenharia de linguagens em outros domínios.
Nardi, Julio Cesar; Falbo, Ricardo A. Almeida, João Paulo A. “An ontological analysis of service modeling at archimate’s business layer”. Proc. of the IEEE 18th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC). IEEE, 2014.
Nardi, Julio Cesar; Falbo, Ricardo A.; Almeida, João Paulo A. “Revealing Service Commitments in Service-Oriented Enterprise Architecture.” Proc. of the IEEE 18th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops and Demonstrations (EDOCW). IEEE, 2014.
Nardi, Julio Cesar; Almeida, João Paulo A.; Pereira, Maiara C.; Falbo, Ricardo A.; Iacob, Maria-Eugenia; van Sinderen, Marten; Pires, Luís F. “Service Commitments and Capabilities Across the ArchiMate Architectural Layers”. Proc. of the IEEE 20th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshops and Demonstrations (EDOCW). IEEE, 2016.
Modelagem Conceitual
A lista a seguir foi sugerida pelo prof. Giancarlo Guizzardi. São artigos que ele julga clássicos na área de Modelagem Conceitual.
Mealy, George H. “Another look at data”. Proceedings of the November 14-16, 1967, Fall Joint Computer Conference. ACM, 1967.
Wieringa, Roel; Jonge, Wiebren; Spruit, Paul. “Roles and dynamic subclasses: a modal logic approach”. Proc. of the 1994 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. Springer, 1994.
Steimann, Friedrich. “The role data model revisited”. Applied Ontology 2:2, 89-103. IOS Press, 2007.
Naur, Peter. “Programming as theory building”. Microprocessing and microprogramming 15:5, 253-261, 1985.
Mylopoulos, John. “Information Modeling in the Time of the Revolution”. Information Systems 23:3-4, 127-155. Elsevier, 1998.
Chen, Peter P. “The entity-relationship model—toward a unified view of data”. Readings in Artificial Intelligence and Databases. 98-111, 1988.
Snoeck, Monique; Dedene, Guido. “Existence Dependency: The key to semantic integrity between structural and behavioral aspects of object types”. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 24:4, 233-251. IEEE, 1998.
Dijkstra, Edsger W. “The humble programmer”. Communications of the ACM 15:10, 859-866. ACM, 1972.
Bubenko, Janis A. “From information algebra to enterprise modelling and ontologies—a historical perspective on modelling for information systems”. Conceptual Modelling in Information Systems Engineering, 1-18. Springer, 2007.
Wand, Yair; Weber, Ron. “An ontological model of an information system”. IEEE transactions on Software Engineering 16:11, 1282-1292. IEEE, 1990.
Wand, Yair; Wang, Richard Y. “Anchoring data quality dimensions in ontological foundations”. Communications of the ACM 39:11, 86-95. ACM, 1996.
Vissers, Chris A.; van Sinderen, Marten J.; Pires, Luis F. “What makes industries believe in formal methods”. Proc. of the IFIP TC6/WG6.1 13th International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification. North Holland, 1993.
Moody, Daniel. “The “physics” of notations: toward a scientific basis for constructing visual notations in software engineering”. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 35:6, 756-779. IEEE, 2009.
Woods, William A. “What’s in a link: Foundations for semantic networks”. Representation and understanding, 35-82, 1975.